During an interval examination, a new pulsatile mass is detected slightly above the umbilicus of a 72-year-old man with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). He has not noticed any abdominal pain or...
Caring for and closing wounds in certain areas involve additional risks and require special techniques. Wounds to the hands and feet—and anywhere on the head, including the scalp, face, and lips—can be...
<div id="article-content-body"><strong>Stop the Talking and Start Listening<br />
Let Mom Scope Out the Throat<br />
Calcium for Muscle Cramps<br />
Improve Your...
A 26-year-old white male aviator presents to his primary care physician for his annual military physical examination. The patient is healthy, takes no medications, and has no history of serious medical...
In this, the last issue of our 50th year of publication, we want to extend our thanks to the following reviewers who appraised at least one manuscript for us in 2010.
<div id="article-content-body"><p>Type 2 diabetes mellitus is an epidemic with serious and fatal complications. Some predictions estimate that 440 million persons will have this...