Time to Give Back!

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This blog was originally posted on January 20, 2011 at http://helpnicaraguachildren.blogspot.com/. Please note, Dr Robson is not accepting donations at this time. However, he would greatly appreciate your comments and suggestions in support of his efforts.


Here I am, finally, working as a Pediatrician in a poor country. I've wanted to do this all my life. In 1974 I signed up with Save The Children to work six months in Cambodia, but Pol Pot and a genocidal war interfered with that project. Then family, profession, and the years flowed by. Now is my time. 

Last year, in March 2010, I rearranged my practice to help out in Haiti for two weeks. You can read an abbreviated description of my time in Haiti on my clinic website, www.childrensclinic.ca. I worked hard and returned with conflicted emotions, but with the certainty that I wanted to do more.

In October 2010 I spent 10 days in Nicaragua to scout out a new opportunity to help. I will return to Nicaragua in March 2011 to work in a rural clinic as a pediatrician. I hope to sustain this dream come true. Life has smiled on me but frowned on much of the world. Time to give back, time to help out.

Nicaragua is the second poorest country in the Americas, and deserving of our help. There are doctors in Nicaragua. After the revolution, the government established schools and medical clinics in most of the major communities. But there are not many doctors and there are very few specialists.

A doctor in Nicaragua is paid $500 a month, and they are rich compared to the average worker who makes less than $100 a month.

Time to give back!

If you would like to help, If life has smiled on you and you also desire to give back, if you can help in any way, please contact us at helpnicaraguachildren@gmail.com.

Thank you.

Lane Robson MD