Thank You

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This blog was originally posted on March 5, 2011 at Please note, Dr Robson is not accepting donations at this time. However, he would greatly appreciate your comments and suggestions in support of his efforts.


Thank You to the Calgary physicians who generously donated pharmaceutical and other medical supplies.

The list of physicians continues to grow and now includes:

Dr. Susan Aitken
Dr. George Barr
Bonavista Medical Clinic
Dr Patricia Bryden
Dr. Sandra Foss
Dr. Michael Giuffre
Dr. Barry Hardin
Dr. Ashref Jeeva
Dr. Susan Kinnie
Dr. Marilyn Lee
Dr. Peter Nieman
Sr. Aravind Subramanian
Sunnyhill Pediatric Clinic

Last week Michele, Darlene, and I sorted all the medications.  To conserve weight and space we took all the medications out of the packing boxes and we recycled the cardboard and package inserts.  The savings in space and weight was amazing.  The remaining medications are less than a third of the space and half the weight.

Several weeks ago I sent a preliminary list to the family physician at the clinic in Nicaragua and he prioritized which medications were in greatest demand.  Antibiotics ranked very high.  I ordered 1000 dose quantities of generic amoxicilin, cephalexin, nitrofurantoin, and sulfatrimethoprim.  I also ordered similar quantities of dilantin, phenobarb, and hydrochlorothiazide. Andy Chiew, the pharmacist, has generously agreed to pay half the cost.  Thank you Andy.

The medications were sorted by class, by drug, by dose, and by expiry date and placed in large zip lock bags.  Darlene made computer printed labels with the generic name, trade name, dosage, expiry date, and quantity for each zip lock bag.

All the medications have an expiry date that is beyond September 2011, which will help insure they are used.

I sent a spreadsheet with precise quantities of the medications to the clinic last week and they will obtain the necessary custom permit so that no duty is necessary.

We leave two weeks from today.