Developing Supportive Design for People with Dementia - The King’s Fund’s Enhancing the Healing Environment Program 2009-2012

The content of this blog has been reposted with permission from Laurie Blanchard at InfoLTC blog, at Ms. Blanchard is the librarian at the Misericordia Health Centre Library, University of Manitoba Health Sciences Libraries in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Prior to working at the Misericordia Health Centre, Laurie worked at the J.W. Crane Memorial Library, Deer Lodge Centre, Winnipeg, Manitoba for 20 years.  She authors the InfoLTC blog for which she won a Manitoba Library Association's Innovation Award and the People’s Choice Award for Best Poster at the CHLA/ABSC 2009 Conference in Winnipeg. Ms. Blanchard is a former editor of the Bibliotheca Medica Canadiana (now the Journal of the Canadian Health Libraries Association (CHLA) , and currently serves on the board of the CHLA. Ms. Blanchard's views are solely her own and do not necessarily represent the views of Clinical Geriatrics or of HMP Communications, LLC.

This publication describes the work of Developing Supportive Design for People with Dementia – the latest phase of The King’s Fund’s Enhancing the Healing Environment (EHE) program.

The EHE initiative encourages and enables clinically led multidisciplinary teams to work in partnership with patients and caregivers to improve services through environmental change. Running since 2000, it has focused on improvements to a range of services, including acute, community and mental heath services, prison health care services, palliative care and bereavement services and, most recently, mental health and community units and general hospitals where people with dementia are cared for.